Because the first excavations of the site gave importance to the Roman vestiges of the site, they unearthed its structures destroying what above it and not going beyond it. The vestiges we have today are the result of the different mindsets and techniques of excavation. Although, because of the smaller size of Sala Colonia compared to Volubilis, this city certainly suffered less but also received less attention.
Of the Roman city the most important quarters are visible; first are the main streets the Decumanus Maximus and the Cardo and the different public, political, religious, and hydraulic buildings. On the Decumanus are the best preserved buildings, although the state of their preservation is threatened by the capillary rises today, nine shops above which is the Roman capitol, the ruins of an arch of triumph with three bays, the basilica, the nympheum, the public baths and the forum at the intersection with the Cardo.
The roofs on the nine shops are completely gone and there remains enough elements to retrace the shape and construction technique of the shops. Different shops were discovered on in the back ruins across from the Capitol on the first level selling most probably offerings for the deity of the temple June, Jupiter, and Minerva. As is the case with most Roman vestiges in Sala Colonia, its materials were pillaged to be used in the construction of the Medieval era’s buildings.

The arch of triumph is no exception, a whole base out of four is missing and there are no elevations. we do not know to whom it was dedicated or what it commemorates. Another possibility of the missing stones is the 18th century earthquake of Lisboa that was strong enough to reach Volubilis destroying its arch of triumph before it was reconstructed again in the 20th century. What renders the ruins of this arch of triumph unique in Morocco so far is the fact that it has 3 entrances; a central and bigger one and one of each side of the same dimensions.
On the opposite side of the main road are all buildings of hydraulic nature and public function. First is the basilica serving as the city court. it’s clearly built on earlier construction based on the contrast in the building techniques and the different orientations each phase takes. Then, there is the nympheum: a polygonal building dedicated to the minor deities of the water. This building, along with the forum baths continued to be used by the local population and even endured changes imposed by the anionic and conservative culture of the Islamic religion. For instance, the statues of the nymphs disappeared and some of the niches were they stood were condemned.
The rest of the buildings not situated on the main road is the artisanal quarter and the habitat quarters. The first one is very important in Sala Colonia for its oil presses decorated with duo-chrome geometric mosaics. As for the habitat quarter it is surely still underground where the trees and vegetation are growing today.
The forum is one of the most parts of the Roman city. In Sala Colonia’s forum were found some of the most famous steles or statue bases speaking about the city and its most important events. It conserves its initial tiling along with the two main axes of the city and leans against the Mauritanian temple still conserving its initial but degraded marble floor.
This stele is in exhibition today at the Museum of History and Civilizations , and was found at the above forum of the Roman City.